Arohaina te reo, Arohaina te ako, Arohaina te oranga

Ngāti Kotahitanga

Ngāti Kotahitanga and its rich history as the Māori-medium whānau at Newtown School, Te Kura o Ngā Puna Waiora has been providing Māori-medium education since 1989 and has been committed to preserving te reo Māori me ōnā tikanga.Te Marautanga o Aotearoa is delivered in the classroom programme, which ensures a comprehensive and culturally relevant education for the students. Ngāti Kotahitanga’s multi-level classroom, accommodating students from year 1 to 8, shows the dedication to meeting the educational needs of a diverse range of students.Ngāti Kotahitanga highlights the unique and inclusive nature of its Māori-medium education programme. If you are interested in exploring the option of Māori-Medium Education for your child and learning more about Ngāti Kotahitanga, contact the kaiako matua directly or the school office to arrange a pre-enrolment hui.Māori-Medium Education plays a crucial role in preserving and revitalising te reo Māori and strengthening Māori identity, a commitment from Ngāti Kotahitanga and its community.

Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga

‘Tōku reo, tōku ohooho, tōku reo tōku māpihi maurea encapsulates the significance of te reo Māori in one’s identity and as a treasure to be cherished and protected. It highlights how language is not only a means of communication but also an integral part of one’s identity and cultural connection.In Ngāti Kotahitanga, te reo Māori is the language of instruction. It is supported in te reo matatini in kōrero, whakarongo, pānui me te tuhituhi fostering a strong understanding and proficiency in te reo Māori. Learning any language is a journey that requires time, patience and perseverance, and commitment to growing te reo Māori.Tikanga is an integral part of the programme, incorporating important cultural elements such as karakia, waiata, pōwhiri, mihi whakatau, pōatarau, noho marae, pepeha, and manaaki manuhiri. These practices help the language to grow and provide a deeper connection to Māori culture and identity.Additional programmes including kapa haka and mau rākau is another way to engage our tamariki in cultural activities.

Ko te reo te Mauri o te Mana Māori

Enrolment Process / Entry Criteria

Pre-enrolment hui with the kaiako matua needs to be arranged prior to enrolment. Please ask for a copy of the entry criteria at the school office and book a hui.

Pōwhiri / He Mihi Whakatau

A school-wide pōwhiri is held at the beginning of the year and mihi whakatau is held at the beginning of each term to welcome new students, whānau and new teachers. Ngāti Kotahitanga has mihi whakatau for new whānau who start during the term. A mihi whakatau must be pre-arranged with the kaiako matua before enrolment.

Ngāti Kotahitanga Participation

Ngāti Kotahitanga students participate in whole school hui-a-kura, Whakawhanaungatanga activities, senior student camp, hāngarau for year 7-8, school productions, team sports, regular visits to the community library and other school-wide activities.

Open Door Policy

Whānau are welcome to join us for karakia in the classroom and participate in Ngāti Kotahitanga and school-wide activities. We appreciate whānau making an effort to participate in their children’s learning and to take opportunities to meet the teachers, students and whānau whānui of Ngāti Kotahitanga and the wider school.

Hui ā-whānau

Two whānau hui are held each term in the akomanga. Parents, caregivers and teachers meet to discuss aspirations, plan whānau-wide activities and an update of the classroom programme. A member of each whānau is expected to attend. Prospective whānau are also welcome. The date and time of these hui will be sent out by our kaiako Matua.

Where to next?

Take the opportunity to consider where your tamaiti will go after Ngāti Kotahitanga. It is important that parents and whānau think about the pathway for their tamaiti and the options available for intermediate and secondary school education. Discuss these ideas with other parents and whānau of Ngāti Kotahitanga.

Nau mai haere mai ki Ngāti Kotahitanga, ki Te Kura o ngā Puna Waiora.

Kaiako: Rochelle Maraea Pukeke-Pine
Ngā tamariki ako: Tau 1-3
Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, Ngati Pahauwera.

Kaiako: Venise Clark

Ngā tamariki ako: Tau 4-8
“Mehemea ka moemoeaa ahau, ko ahau anake. Mehemea ka moemoeaa taatou, ka taea e taatou” – Te Puea Heerangi

Kaiarahi i te Reo: Susie Hohipa

Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Whanganui-a-Orotū

Te Kaiako Rauemi Māori: Hine Te Tana

Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa, Ngati Korokii-Kahukura, Ngāti Whakaue